1996: Forge Mission Training Network Launched
The Forge Mission Training Network began in Victoria, Australia in 1996, launched by Alan and Deb Hirsch and Michael & Caz Frost as a response to the dire need for Christians to go into their worlds, amidst the many cultural changes, and actively engage others with the good news of Jesus & His Kingdom. The hope was to help every follower of Jesus participate in the mission of God and as a result see new contextual expressions of the Kingdom pioneered across neighborhoods and networks.
2010: Forge America Launch
The Forge network expanded across the globe to Canada, Europe, and the United States and in 2010 Forge America began. In an effort to serve the church and mobilize people, local and contextual training hubs began in various cities such as Chicago, Dallas, Knoxville, Austin, and others. The goal was to inspire and equip every member of the body of Christ to participate in the extraordinary mission of God right where they live, work, and play. As a servant to local church Forge has always played a role in re-imagining and re-shaping the church to engage the communities, neighborhoods, apartments, campuses, workspaces, and third places people exist.